Monitoring App To See What Is Happening In Your Kid's Life

End the anxiety about Viber conversations - Parentaler is here to provide all your solutions.


Viber Monitoring

Stop fretting in the dark. Parentaler can illuminate you what's being discussed on Viber.

  • Incoming and outgoing messages

    Pay special attention to the people they interact with and those who try to reach out.

  • Media shared by children

    Get unlimited access to the photos and videos they share.

  • Chronology and timelapse

    Witness the passing of time in a child's life with a chronology and timelapse of their messages on Viber.

  • Almost 18% of parents use this feature


Alice S.
Alice S.

I constantly check children's Viber, especially group ones, because I myself have come across spam groups that offer prohibited substances. Parentaler makes it so easy that it takes me no more than a couple of minutes.

Lily P.
Lily P.

Viber has always been a dark forest for me, but my daughter is constantly on it, so I had to come up with something. Parentaler was one of the first options and the last, because it made Viber and all of Sophie's (daughter) correspondence understandable for me.

Elizabeth S.
Elizabeth S.

If you haven't checked Viber kids yet - now is the time. I also put it off until last, thinking they were too young to find objectionable content there. How wrong I was! Their behavior changed a lot and the man suggested Parentaler. Checking their chats made everything clear.


01How can parents ensure the safety of their children while using Viber?

Parents want to ensure the safety of their children when using Viber, and one way to do this is to use a Viber monitoring software like Parentaler. This app allows parents to monitor their child's activity, block inappropriate content, and set usage time limits. Additionally, the app provides detailed reports on messaging and calls, so that parents can be sure their child is only interacting with people they know and trust. With Parentaler, parents have peace-of-mind knowing that their child is safe while using Viber.

02How can parents monitor their children's Viber activity?

For parents now more than ever, it can be a challenge to keep up with their children's digital communication. With Viber taking the place of traditional phone calls for many young people around the globe, an effective way to monitor Viber messages using tool that provide insight into who they're speaking to and when.

03Can I retrieve Viber messages online?

With Parentaler, you can easily stay up to date with their activities on Viber. Advanced mobile monitoring software logs all internet conversations, so you know immediately if something alarming is happening on their phones – giving parents a greater sense of security. Get real-time information about who they've been talking to without needing access to their devices!

04How can parents use Viber monitoring to prevent cyberbullying?

Parentaler offers the ultimate solution to help protect your children from cyberbullying. Our Viber monitoring tool is designed to monitor both private and group chats and provide you with real-time insights into what's happening online, enabling you to detect any potential threats quickly so that prompt action may be taken before they become overwhelming problems.